
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-13
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Abstract:After decades of efforts to develop and reform the legal system of rural endowment insurance has basically been established, and the basic pension rights, the protection of farmers to adjust the urban-rural income gap has played a huge role. However, the legal system during operation, there are still narrow coverage, low level of protection, the regulatory system is not perfect. In this paper, the analysis of the legal system of rural endowment insurance and learn from the experience of the foreign legal system of rural endowment insurance specific number of recommendations to improve the legal system of rural endowment insurance.

Key words: Old-age insurance in rural areas, Social Security, Migrant workers, Regulatory regime




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:通过分析我国农村养老保险法律制度存在的主要问题并借鉴外国农村养老保险法律制度的经验,对完善我国农村养老保险法律制度提出了具体的若干建议。......
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