
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:Community correction system in China is not yet mature, a penalty enforcement regime, along with the advance of China's legal construction will have broad prospects for development. Firstly, by analyzing the existing problems of the current China's community correction system, and then pointed out the necessity and importance of the system in our country to expand the scope of application. And that both from the perspective of China's criminal policy, criminal perform or practice in our country has a feasibility of expanding the system of community correction. Administrative penalty of reeducation through labor does not belong to the "punishment" in the strict sense, but such "quasi-penalty" included in the consideration of the construction of community correction system based on the special situation of our country will still have considerable significance. Finally I draw the perfect experience of the community correction system in foreign countries, China to expand the scope of application of Community Correction System proposed a number of specific recommendations.

Key words: community; correction extend;feasibility;system improvement




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:基于我国特殊的国情将此两种“准刑罚”纳入社区矫正制度建设的考量中仍然有相当意义。最后笔者通过借鉴社区矫正制度在国外的完善经验,对我国扩大社区矫正制度适用范围提出了......
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