
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:The administrative reconsideration, as a kind of important administrative relief way, in the maintenance of the rights and interests of the administrative relative person play resolve administrative disputes, resolve the contradiction of official and an important function, it is the various countries generally adopted for the administrative relative person to provide a convenient, cheap resolving the form of administrative disputes, in the legal system of administrative remedy has a very important position. But at present our country administrative reconsideration of the public identity fall, Case quality is not high, ought to ineffective. And our administrative reconsideration office, there are the lacks of independence, unity, administrative reconsideration enough staff and business ability is uneven, perfect our country's administrative reconsideration office in a healthy society in the construction of the legal system in China is particularly important.

Key words: Administrative reconsideration;Administrative reconsideration office;Administrative review committee;Consummate




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:对我国行政复议机构的设置缺陷进行认真反思并对其进行完善已经成为摆在我们面前一个迫切需要解决的问题。通过对我国行政复议机构的分析,探讨所存在的一些问题和不完善......
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