
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:In the highly developed modern informational age, the news media and the Internet provides a realization of the right to the truth with all kinds of convenient ways. And the truth that information is here and there, which  makes right of privacy extremely fragile. However, right of privacy plays a role in safeguarding in the peaceful life of citizens in their social life. Right of privacy and right to the truth lead an opposite direction, making the conflict between them inevitable. This paper attempts to make a minute proof of the purview of the more controversial parts, such as the definition of the two rights and the extent of competence of these two rights. Then it analyses several major conflicts in modern life connecting with two rights with the use of specific cases. In order to solve the conflict of the right of privacy and the right to the truth, making academic discussion is not enough; it needs someone to regulate the laws to be more comprehensive. Based on the actual situation in present China, this paper absorbs the combine of the coordination theory and the legislative status in and out of China, propose a principle idea of coordination conflict. And this idea is more effective to solve the conflict between the two rights above.

Key words: Right of privacy; right to the truth; conflict of rights; coordination of rights




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:要解决隐私权与知情权之间的冲突,仅有学术上的讨论是远远不够的,更需要法律进行全面的规制,本文结合国内外的协调理论和立法现状,提出适合我国实际情况的协调冲突的原则构......
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