
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:In our criminal procedure,“the witness testified difficult”issue has become a hot spot theorists and practitioners explore. Of Immunity as a witness the right to witness in our country to improve and further expand its use has been controversial. Analysis to Testify privilege system of social relations, mainstream ideology and judicial practice, further pointed out the necessity of perfecting the system in our country. Moreover, from a historical perspective, the real level or international level, in our perfect to Testify privilege system have a certain degree of feasibility. To Testify privilege system provides little in China's existing laws and regulations, only 46 of the Code of Criminal Procedure amendment lawyers Immunity from the provisions of other laws and regulations did not reflect the author of China's actual situation and learn from the advanced experience of foreign legislation and judicial practice recommendations on improving the system of our country to Testify privilege.

Key words: witness ;the right to witness ;obstruct ;judicature opinion ;exception




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:证人免证特权,又称证人拒证权或证人作证特免权,是指公民在法定情况下,有权拒绝充当证人或者拒绝回答某些问题的权利。其核心是证人基于特定的身份,依法享有的拒绝承担证明......
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