
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:All the time, people’s understanding of marriage is based on the combination of sexes. Naturally, the combination has become a potential rule, which is immutable. However, with the development of human society and the progress of science and technology, and civil rights movements of homosexuals, people’s value is becoming more and more different than ever before. In some countries, people have an easy mind towards homosexuality, while homosexuality is accepted by countries in the world nowadays. Same-sex marriage is protected by law, which means that homosexuals can enjoy rights to marriage and family. The research and discuss of the legalization of same-sex marriage has become an important issue in marriage and family field, which draws more and more attention. However, in our country there is no relative law to regulate and protect it. Moreover, the research of same-sex marriage in our country starts late. This thesis puts forward the necessity of legalization of same-sex marriage and the main obstacle, to analyze the possibility of the legalization of same-sex marriage with the real situation of our country. It will also propose some ideas and advices of legalization and measures.

Key words: homosexuality;same-sex marriage;same-sex partners




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:我国《婚姻法》规定的是男女之间的婚姻,只有男女之间的婚姻才是合法的,同性婚姻是不合法的。但同性婚姻在一些西方国家合法化的事实,则打破了婚姻只能是异性主体的传统形态......
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