
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:The contract is a kind of legal actions, which is closely related to people’s legal rights and the security of social transactions. The development of modern society has increased both the number of contracts and the legal behaviors between people year by year, which are facilitating the communication between people and promoting the economic development. While the Contracts have become increasingly complex and false and the possibility of damage to people caused by gross misunderstanding in the contract will be greatly increased. 

   The “gross misunderstanding” of the contract is a system to protect the contract rights of the parties and maintain the transaction security. Although the Contract Law and the judicial interpretations have mentioned the relevant provisions of the Significant Misunderstanding Contract, there is a lack of a clear definition for what is Significant Misunderstanding Contract. Therefore, it is of great significance to consummate the gross misunderstanding in the Contract Law.

Key words:gross misunderstanding;contract;definition;constitutive requirement




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:在现实生活中,合同当事人的外部行为往往因社会上的各种因素而造成与其内心意思相违背的情形,存在“重大误解”是其中的一种原因,因“重大误解”订立的合同造成的影响,很显......
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