
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Abstract:Since the promulgation of the Arbitration Law of China's labor dispute, labor dispute arbitration plays a crucial role in maintaining labor relations stability and the smooth development of the market economy. The labor dispute arbitration system in China is not yet mature with the facts that it can not deal with labor disputes timely, fair, and properly and there are so many problems which against maintaining the interests of the parties in the labor relations and the requirements suited to the development of the market economic , such as , the provisions of the labor dispute arbitration aging system is not detailed and clear enough , furthermore the distribution of the burden of proof of the labor dispute arbitration is unreasonable , and so on .  On the basis of analyzing the main problems of the labor dispute arbitration, the specific recommendations of the perfection of the labor dispute arbitration system are put forward, by drawing on the merits of Hong Kong and Germany.

Key words: Labor dispute arbitration;Labor dispute arbitration committee;Labor dispute mediation and arbitration law




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:目前我国劳动争议仲裁制度尚不成熟,不能及时、公正、妥善处理劳动争议,存在劳动争议仲裁时效制度的规定不够仔细明确,劳动争议仲裁的举证责任分配不合理等问题,不利于维护......
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