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译文(字数 3063)


作者: 凡德尔莫维安德利

出版物来源:《法律》 ,2013年,46(4):1039-1055

1 介绍





外文原文(字符数 10457)

Infringement of the right to goodwill; the basic legal principles in relation to South African case law

Author Andres Vander Merowe

Publication source《De Jure》, 2013, 46(4): 1039-1055.

1 Introduction

Infringement of the right to goodwill as a requirement in proving a conduct of unlawful competition under South African common law has been dealt with under a variety of situations in South African case law. The courts have accordingly identified a number of circumstances that give rise to liability. The most well-known of these is an infringement of a symbol such as a mark or device by way of an action of “passing off”.

A finding of liability on the grounds of unlawful competition requires as first step an act or conduct by a person that is alleged by another to be actionable. Assessing whether a specific act will give rise to liability, naturally if all the other dialectal requirements are met, will normally involve its assessment against the backdrop of the actionable circumstances that have been identified in case law.

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:现在的企业通常也有一些额外的非物质的,其价值超过企业元素的基层总和的存在体。(1)它的目标与其价值的关系是吸引顾客和供应商的利器,创造一个良好服务态度的供应商、债权......
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