
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:外文翻译 更新时间:2013-07-02
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外文出处:Law And Society Philosophy Of Law 、Rarmond Wacks 、2008.9

   So far we have been preoccupied with normative legal theory, and its endeavours to explain the concept of law, as it were ,from witnin. That is to say, normative legal theory concentrates on legal doctrine and the relations between rules, concepts, principles, and other constructs employed by courts and lawyers engaged in the actual practice of the law. But there is another approach to legal analysis that attempts to understand the nature of these phenomena by reference to the social conditions in which they fuction,.This sociological approach has exercised a considerable influence, often unacknowledged, on the philosophy of law.

     A sociological account of law normally rests on three closely related claims:that law can not be understood except as a “social phenomenon”,that an analysis of legal concepts provides only a partial explanation of “law in action”, and that law is merely one form of social control.………………


上传会员 外文翻译 对本文的描述:规范性法律理论关注法律原则和规则、概念原则与法庭和律师在实际法律实践中所运用的其他观念之间的关系。但还有另一法律分析的研究路径,它试图通过诉讼现象运行的社......
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