
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-24
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Abstract:Educates along with Our country college education from the outstanding person to the popular education transition, the university student gets employed the environment to be day by day intense. In the employment sexual discrimination is a noticeable social question. Discusses and analyzes the female university student to get employed the sexual discrimination is not only replied how the female university student does get employed the difficult question, moreover to builds the gender equality competition, the employment opportunity equality labor market environment to have the very vital significance .

The employment market is imperfect, the employment laws and regulations are not perfect, the maternity insurance system is not perfect, the employment refers to ' leads the work weakly and so on, is the female university student gets employed the discrimination primary cause. The government consummates the employment market. Perfect laws and regulations, perfect maternity insurance system; The university according to the market demand adjustment specialty and the curriculum, the deepened education educational reform, strengthens the career guidance work; The female university student transforms seeks employment the idea, unearths own superiority, participates in the market competition positively, acquires the undertaking consciousness, realizes the self-employment and so on, is eliminates to the female university student's employment discrimination, enhances the female university student's employment rate important measure. 

Key words: Female university student; Employment; Sexual discrimination





上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:本文主要是针对以上问题,对新形势下的女性就业性别歧视问题进行探索和研究,沿着理论逻辑加以分析推导和创新,进而归纳出具有可能性和可行性的实践措施,便于新时代女性正确......
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