
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:互联网 学习能力 学习特征 策略


ABSTRACT:As online learning has become a popular trend, now, it is a second class of college students. Network has entered school,it not only affects students` the way of thinking but also impact on learning style. Sharing of the Internet provides rich resource to students, as the same time, it has shortcoming. For students` own reason and the resource overflowing, students learning ability through the network is unsatisfied. So it is vital to research college students learning ability improvement under the age of internet, analyze reasons of affecting for promoting their learning efficiency.

   At first, this article discusses basic theory of learning, starts from the research topic, and then summarizes the learning ability and the learning characteristics under the age of the internet. Draw support from the investigation from the college students. Summary the situation of college students using online learning, and analyze the problems and reasons from the result of investigation.  On this basis, combining with the reality, puts forward suggestions and countermeasures to improve college students' learning ability.

Keywords:Internet  learning ability  Learning characteristics  strategy








上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:分析影响其大学生网络学习能力的因素和网络学习过程遇到的障碍,并有针对性的提出提升大学生利用互联网学习的学习能力的策略和思路,为我校大学生提高学习能力提供更多的借鉴......
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