
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:面试 压力 压力面试  技巧


ABSTRACT:Stress interview as a novel interview method, its special role in the interview by more and more enterprises pro-gaze. This paper describes the interview, pressure and stress interview, carries on the analysis to the stress interview and analysis, process design, and pay attention to matters, with structured interview and avoid job seekers of personal privacy, the role of pressure stress interview, interview categories, and comprehensive understanding of stress interview. And then put forward candidates adverse reactions in the face of pressure interview and put forward solutions to skill, from the job itself, and then to improve the quality of paper is emotional control and the elimination of tension method. Finally, through the case, analysis of specific application of stress interview in recruitment. This research mainly from the Dong fen Nissan recruitment interview, makes a comprehensive analysis of the. The purpose of this study is to provide the pressure surface method is correct and for job-seekers, stress interview interview for the enterprise how to deal with pressure.

Keywords:Audition; Pressure; Stress interview; Skill




上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:提出求职者在遭遇压力面试时的不良反应和提出解决的技巧分析,从求职者的本身素质提高出发、然后是情绪的掌控和消除紧张的方法。最后通过案例,分析压力面试在企业招聘中的具......
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