
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-09
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关键词:酒店员工  职业倦怠  职业发展  人力资源管理


ABSTRACT:The article "burnout" as the core to expand the hotel staff management. In this paper, through study and summarize at home and abroad, find all aspects of the problem on the basis of dealing with hotel staff burnout literature, the depth of understanding wine staff burnout harm to themselves and their enterprises, summed Burnout its countermeasures employees a clear understanding of the impact of individual factors on occupational employees should pay attention to personal career planning to enhance the knowledge, skills and cultural enrichment, as far as possible, eliminate and fade burnout; terms for managers, so that they recognize career the burnout hotel-generated hazards and impact, clear management on the problems raised should start from the human resources management, training and development to improve the compensation management system, focusing on people-oriented, adhere to the scientific management methods, in order to enhance the competitiveness of hotel, to promote sustainable development; focus on the impact of social factors on burnout, increase social support.

Keywords:The hotel staff;Burnout;Career Development;Human Resource Manageme





上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文通过研究和总结国内外对于处理酒店员工职业倦怠的问题基础上,查找各方面文献资料,深度了解了目前酒员工职业倦怠的现状,对自身及其企业的危害,总结出职业倦怠的成因及......
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