
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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Abstract: With the rapid development of our country’s social economy and the urbanization, people’s recreational requirements are growing very fast. Therefore, the construction of the Recreational Business District (RBD) is of increasing concern. The author selected Confucius Temple area as an example to study. This article shows the history of the Confucius Temple area, and explores the development conditions of this RBD. It also tells us the distribution of the scenic spots and commercial stores as well as the internal and external traffic conditions in this area by theoretical investigation and on-the-spot investigation. The tourists’ consuming behavior and the recreational needs data are obtained through an investigation and logical discussions . According to the result of the discussion, the contradictions and conflicts between the needs and the present situation of this RBD are found. Therefore, the problems and shortages of the Confucius Temple RBD are revealed. And recommendations and proposals are suggested to improve the development and planning of Confucius Temple RBD in Nanjing.

Key words: RBD; Confucius Temple; consumers’ behavior; recreational needs

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:我国目前以形成了几个比较成熟的RBD,包括深圳华侨城、广州天河城、上海城隍庙和南京夫子庙等这几个代表区域。虽然目前来看国内的各个RBD发展势头良好并有继续加速的趋势,但在......
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