
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘 要:企业文化是企业的意识形态,是企业在长期生产经营实践中所凝结、积淀形成的一种文化氛围、价值观念、精神力量、经营境界和全体员工所认同并遵守的道德规范和行为方式。随着新经济时代的特征逐渐突出,知识代替资本、劳动力和土地这些传统的生产要素在经济生活中的地位逐渐凸显,而企业文化作为一种知识性的无形资产,随之进入了大发展和大繁荣时期。我国商业银行也渐渐将“以人为本”作为其管理理念,提倡发挥人的主观能动性,但其企业文化建设还处于不发达、不成熟的阶段。




ABSTRACT:Corporate culture is the ideology of the enterprise in the long-term production and management practices in the condensation, the accumulation of the formation of a culture, values, spiritual strength, management realm and recognized by all the staff and comply with the code of ethics and behavior. With the new economic era gradually prominent characteristics, knowledge instead of capital, labor and land these traditional factors of production in the economy increasingly prominent position in life, and the corporate culture as an informative intangible assets, followed them into the great development and big boom. China's commercial banks will gradually "people-oriented" as its management philosophy, promote play to people's initiative, but its corporate culture is still in undeveloped, immature stage.

   The topics studied in the relevant literature on the basis of the theory as well as in the corporate culture under the guidance of SWOT analysis method, starting from the commercial banks to its own characteristics, through the Agricultural Bank SWOT analysis of corporate culture, enhance the commercial banks from the team cohesion, improve staff quality, carrier construction of corporate culture, corporate image, internal restraint mechanism, five, put forward China's commercial banks countermeasures enterprise culture, enterprise culture for the future construction of commercial banks to provide evidence.

Keywords: corporate culture; commercial bank; finance

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:商业银行的企业文化亟待不断发展,根据顾客的实际需求和商业银行扩大市场业务的需要,将企业文化中积极的部分及时提炼和总结,形成广大员工所认同并遵守的道德规范和行为方式......
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