
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-03
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ABSTRACT:Middle school sports teacher is to achieve high school "physical education and health course education target key factors, the task is high or low is career satisfaction sports teacher professional beliefs and influence of the marks of the teaching attitude. This paper used the literature material law, questionnaire and access method to affect middle school sports teacher career satisfaction working environment, achievement motive and social identity, personal development factors were analyzed, and some Suggestions to help education department, correct understanding of current middle-school PE teachers' professional satisfaction, earnestly adopt measures to adjust incentive mode and promote its working enthusiasm, improve the teaching quality of middle school sports.

Keywords: Pu-erh tea city simao area middle school; Sports teachers; Career satisfaction

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:中学体育教师的职业满意度虽然不能直接带动中学体育教育质量的提高,但是却可以降低转岗、混岗、怠岗现象。满意度的高低也是衡量学校激励机制是否成功的重要标志。中学体育教......
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