
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-03
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ABSTRACT:Yunnan province is one of the largest province which has most of ethnic minorities in China, Meng La rural Jin Ping county presently to living with the Dai national minority, the Zhuang, the Yao, the Miao, the Hani, the Yi, the La hu national minority and so on ethnic minorities, the total number of Jin Ping county has 360,109 people, the population of ethnic minority 311,380, the ethnic minority population accounts for the county-wide total population 86.5%,of which there are 19,012 Dai people, has the rich tourism resources. This article provides 150, of which 85% the Dai ethnic groups like throws embroidered ball, because they thought that involved in throwing embroidered ball has fitness, entertainment, communication, inheritance function, so the sports of the Dai minority throws embroidered ball have been loved by the majority of the people. The traditional national sports tourism as a way of promote the exchanges and the friendship between various nationalities,  promote,  develop ways of minority cultures ,but also as a healthy way of leisure , holiday tourism projects are increasingly by people of all ages. Second, the tourism industry of minority regions has advantages of small investments, high economic benefits and strong driving, and so on. Development of ethnic tourism projects, not only to promote the development of local minority cultural inheritance, but also to promote tourism development in Jin Ping, then through the development of traditional ethnic sports tourism for tourism development in Jin ping prospect, driving and developing sports industry in Jin Ping, it is especially prominent and important that the development of the tourism was to become prosperous on some minority areas of poverty and backwardness in Jin Ping and have special significance.

Keywords: Jin Ping; Dai minority; throw embroidered ball; ethnic tourism development

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:金平县的主要旅游景点有:勐拉温泉、金水河口岸,分水岭、烈士陵园、西隆山等,展现了金平得天独厚的自然资源,而丰富、多彩的傣族风情和传统民族体育项目则是勐拉独特的民俗......
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