
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键词:消费者行为 女装市场 购买因素 结构方程模型


ABSTRACT:Now with the young group of clothing in the pursuit of more and more personalized, LOLITA culture also slowly into the modern consumer life, it attracts modern consumers eye in a unique design style, but consumers in the purchase of dress in general are very hesitant. This will be through structural equation model to find the factors affecting consumer purchase of domestic LOLITA dress brand Flowercoming. First make a concept model and hypothesis, and given a theoretical buying behavior of influence factors, and the interrelationship between the factors on the possibility of buying and influence factors, and then design a questionnaire and were issued and effective recovery, will come the data using structural equation model, the mathematical formula and the software to calculate and draw the conclusion, verification of their advance the hypothesis is reasonable and correct, the final results show that consumers' perceived risk in the clothing itself will affect the consumption behavior of consumers, the dress design style and beautiful shop decoration love will promote consumers' purchase intention, but the design style and shop decoration itself does not have too big effect to itself the consumer perceived risk. Finally, the conclusion according to the present market situation according to the customer perceived risk, dress style design, shop decoration and environment aspects and put forward the improvement suggestions.

Key words: Consumer behavior;women's market;purchase factors;structural equation model

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:在传统服装渐渐不能满足消费者心理需求的现在,越来越多小众风格的衣服应运而生,在各个领域找到了自己的落足之处。Flowercoming(花儿开了)是以LOLITA风格为主题的女装品牌,品牌......
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