
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键词:市场营销 尼桑汽车 钓鱼岛事件 营销策略


ABSTRACT:Since NISSAN brands in the Chinese market to the Dongfeng Nissan joint venture, with a Japanese car in good price, and word-of-mouth consumer good, gained widespread recognition of China's market automotive consumer. A short span of ten years, Dongfeng Nissan gradually have a space for one person in the Chinese car market. But Japan will Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" after the issue of the Diaoyu Islands, the worsening situation began to spread to the economic field. It spread to the Japanese car enterprises including Dongfeng Nissan's sales in China, Japanese car brand in the Chinese market faced with hitherto unknown crisis.

   The face of China's automobile market demand growth and the Diaoyu Islands event after people on the contradiction between the Japanese car brand attention decline trend, Dongfeng Nissan as a well-known Japanese car brand in the face of China with the mass consumer market, be in a nice hobble. This paper focuses on the analysis of influence of the Diaoyu Islands event for the Dongfeng Nissan, based on marketing 4P theory to analyze problems take Dongfeng Nissan in the Diaoyu Island incident of the marketing strategy, the current and the automobile marketing strategy, the event marketing strategy combination, to explore the construction and methods suitable for Nissan in the Diaoyu Islands event marketing channel, and puts forward some suggestions. In order to enrich the theoretical system of Nissan and other in Huari car brand in the face of public relations crisis under different marketing strategies, to promote its application in practice and development.

Keywords: marketing;NISSAN; the Diaoyu Islands; event marketing strategy

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:在同行业竞争中,与国产汽车、欧美汽车的对比下,日系车品牌低排放、低能耗,节能环保的形象相对突出,我们能看清日系汽车在中国汽车市场上的优势相对明显。因此在钓鱼岛事件......
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