
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键字:市场营销  酒店   竞争力   发展策略


ABSTRACT:Regarding the future development of the Tiancheng hotel strategy to provide advice and reference, to help enhance the overall competition ability, Tiancheng hotel is a five-star hotel, located in Sichuan province in Guangyuan city, In the fierce competition in the hotel industry, hotel to sustainable development, must improve the hotel's competitive power.

   This article emphatically from the Angle of competition Tiancheng hotel development is analyzed. First of all, this paper explains the competitiveness of the hotel, and analyzed the competitiveness and the relative importance of hotel development. Secondly, in the analysis of the industry background, mainly from the our country high star hotel development present situation and the factors affecting the development of high star hotel two aspects to analysis, found that is located in the west of Tiancheng hotel has good prospects for development.

   Tiancheng hotel development present situation research, this article mainly from the social economy, the hotel industry, competition situation, market conditions and other aspects, the analysis found the whole development of Tiancheng hotel in good condition, but there are also part of the problem. These problems mainly summarized as five aspects, respectively is, personalized management, network brand construction, talent and service.

   Finally, aiming at the problems, this paper based on the theory of hotel management and the development of domestic and foreign advanced hotel experience and Tiancheng big store condition, proposed the appropriate suggestion, to help enhance the overall competition ability.

Keywords:Marketing;Hotel;Competitiveness;Development strategy

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:酒店竞争力的形成、培育与提升不是一蹴而就的,它是一个逐渐累积的过程,是企业在运作过程中形成的文化理念、经营战略、服务宗旨与管理模式共同铸就了的品牌,也共同铸就了酒......
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