
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键词:新型城镇化 消费需求 向量自回归模型 脉冲响应函数


ABSTRACT:New type of urbanization is the key to the current consumption in our country, in a sense, industrialization is the creation of supply, the urbanization is mainly to create demand. Practice shows that, China's urbanization rate increases 1%, they can pull the GDP growth of 1%-2%, the urbanization has become the key factor of economic growth in China. Accelerating the urbanization development, solve "three agriculture" problem at present stage is the most direct, the most effective way to balance urban and rural areas is the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development key.

   Because at present our country needs to expand consumer demand, maintain the stability of economic growth, so the urbanization's impact on consumer demand are very necessary. This article first analyzes the current situation of the construction of new urbanization and new urbanization in improving people's income, promote the consumption structure upgrade, etc to expand the positive role of consumer demand, and then lists the present our country still exist in the construction of urbanization, such as household registration, social security, land circulation system is not perfect and so on some of the problems of bad for consumer demand growth. On this basis, from the quantitative point of view, using vector autoregression analysis model, using the impulse response function to our country urbanization and national consumption level has carried on the dynamic research, concluded that the reasonable speed up the urbanization construction play a decisive role in expanding consumption level. Finally, based on the above empirical research, puts forward the government should actively promote the reform of household registration system, to perfect the social security system and land circulation system and a series of beneficial to raise the level of urbanization and expand consumer demand countermeasures and Suggestions.

Keywords: New urbanization;Consumer demand;Vector autoregressive model;Impulse response function

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:深入研究当前我国城镇化对居民消费需求的影响具有重要的理论与实践意义。从目前情况来看,尽管现有文献广泛深入地研究了城镇化拉动城乡居民消费增长这一问题,但仍存在一些不......
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