
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-24
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关键词:明代家具 家具艺术


Abstract:The art of Chinese furniture has experienced a long period of evolution, since it was influenced by the customs and the life style of different times.What'smore,the emergeand development of furniture have also. been influenced by the special regionalism and the effect of nature.For example,people's sedentary habit has changed from sitting on the floor in Tang-Song period to sitting by dropping foot.in modern time.The pattern of furniture has also transitted from low style of furniture to high style of furniture, which has marked the most significant point in the furniture history.In addition, the style,the  structure,the technology and decoration of furniture haved been formed a systematic andstandard system until Ming Dynasty.Therefore, the art of furniture was in its mature period in Ming Dynasty. People ofMing dynasty put hard wood into furniture ,inheriting the essence of furniture making.Actually,the art of furniture has reached its peak of perfection ,which has such a profound. effect on the development offurniture.

Key Words: Furniture of Ming Dynasty  furniture art

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:隋、唐、五代时期,由于建筑技术的发展,住宅有了三合院、四合院以及廻廊连接的各种院落布局,同时私家园林得到了高速发展,随着丝绸之路的开辟[田家清.明清家具奖赏与研究.文......
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