
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-24
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关键字:水晶 鉴赏 收藏 价值  


Abstract:Natural crystal is a gift of nature and human treasure. In at all times and in all countries has been loved and praised by the people. In our country since the tang dynasty was loved by the vast number of collectors. A collection of crystal, crystal appreciation, crystal processing, genre, development process, crystal literature are from scratch, taking shape. Crystal collection, appreciation, appreciation value has got more and more people's recognition. Crystal collection, although in the collection is a small, but in recent years, and appreciation of space and the number of audience has been on the rise. But not all the crystal is the same precious, by studying the classification and characteristics of the crystal, the difference between the natural crystal and artificial crystal, the types of crystal original stone and defects, the appreciation of crystal etc to correctly identify crystal and crystal collection value plays a decisive role in crystal culture. Collection of crystal, it is an art, it is not only a collection of beauty or of history collection, collection of art.

Key words: the crystal appreciation collection value

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:水晶摆件可分为两种,一种是天然的矿物水晶,以追求自然之美;另一种是通过加工制作和设计的造型器物。其中更为珍贵的工艺品就是以发晶雕琢的了。水晶摆件类主要是置于厅、堂......
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