
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-24
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关键词:艺术市场 艺术品投资 中国近现代绘画 经济成名作


Abstract: Since art collections have low risk, optimistic revenue, influencing sentiment and other characteristics, more and more investors see the potential development of this market. In the booming art market, the modern Chinese painting has become a hotspot of investment, in particular, the works of Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, and Zhang Daqian received more attention and popularity, and therefore, exploring the art market value of these works have been the key point in the art community. The article focus on the value of these “famous economic works”in the present art market on the basis of the presented“famous artistic works”made by the above three masters,and conduct further analysis of art market’s current development and future prospect.

Key words: art market  art collections investment  modern Chinese painting  famous economic works

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:中国近现代绘画产生于动乱、战争、奋斗、激情的历史时期,它经历了跨越动荡的现实,也接受了走向新世界的挑战。生活在这个时期的画家由于其对社会认识的敏感性和深刻性使得他......
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