
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:巨灾保险  地震  地震保险 地震保险制度


Abstract: In recent years, natural disasters such as snow disaster, flood, earthquake, drought have occurred frequently in China, which can’t be resistant and often cause heavy property loss and personal casualties, the earthquake caused the most serious casualties. Moreover, China is an earthquake prone country, and the current catastrophe risk management system which led by the government only function in the small range and low levels of post disaster economic compensation. Therefore, It’s extremely urgent and important to build China’s earthquake insurance mechanisms. This paper, viewed from the research on current situation of China’s earthquake insurance, and used the experience of other countries for reference, and through my own professional learning, At last, gives ideas on how to build the earthquake insurance mechanisms from five aspects: management model choice, the laws and regulations, the loss sharing mechanism.

Key words:  catastrophe insurance   earthquake  earthquake insurance     earthquake  insurance  mechanism

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:地震风险的最大特征是风险的高度集中,地震灾害的发生,就会导致同一个地方的大部分保险标的在短时间内受到程度不一的损害,这种特征就和常规险种保险轻易地区分开来,比如说机动......
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