
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:投资连结险 发展现状 产品设计 资金运用 营销模式


Abstract:The unit-linked insurance originated from PINGAN in October,1999. This new-type life insurance has experienced the ups and downs during the next thirteen years. In face of the change of the policy, the financial crisis and the instability of capital market, the development of our unit-linked insurance has recovered a lot, but the total premiums of this whole market is still decreasing. According to the characteristics of this insurance and relative data, this paper expounds the current situation and existing problems in China and analyzes the influence factors to the problems. At last, after studying the development of this type of insurance overseas, I put out countermeasures what should be adopted by insurance companies and government.

key words:unit-linked insurance  development situation  product design  fund application  marketing mode

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:由于投资连结险保单的投资账户资产与保险公司选择的投资组合息息相关,不同的投资组合带来的市场收益都不尽相同,而各个投保人在投资风险承担方面都会有所差别,所以对于针对......
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