
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:医疗责任保险 第三人直接请求权 信息不对称


Abstract:In western society nowadays, the situation of tripartite confrontation of liability insurance, tort liability, social insurance in the field of medical treatment indemnity has already come into being. Medical liability insurance has developed from corrective justice to distributive justice, which functions as dispersing medical disputes and dealing with medical impairment responsibility. The implementation of Tort Liability Law has expanded both the obligation of medical impairment and the burden of proof, adding more litigation pressure to medical institutions, the influence of which lies in the choice of medical liability insurance pattern. At present, the obligatory medical liability insurance should be implemented in our country rather than the mainstream commercial insurance, and the public welfare should also be emphasized. Meanwhile, the medical liability insurance of our country should take the comprehensive pattern, including medical institutions' liability insurance and physicians' liability insurance.

Keywords: hospital liability insurance  direct claim right of the third party  asymmetric information

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述: 医疗责任保险可以分为面向医疗机构和面向医务人员的两种形式,即为医疗机构责任保险和医师责任保险,这是由被保险人的性质和构建基础的差异而决定的。......
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