
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-06
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关键词:整车物流 调度模式 电子仓库 道位


Abstract: Anji automobile logistics Limited Company (Following calls Anji logistics)  should replan the resource scheduling problems and make new plan of the vehicle warehouse. The vehicle warehouse should be controlled automatically that the turnover will be enhanced. The cars are allocated and transported by the chassis numbers of themselves. By this way, the cost will be reduced. Anji’s resource scheduling cannot keep the normal operation now. In some places, the transportation resources are over-used, so the cost is very high. In some place, they are idled. Anji logistics needs a new resource scheduling and shares the information freely. Each stakeholder can be involved in the entire supply chain. Fewer scheduling processes and just in time institution will reduce the time from factory to seller. It will also reduce the cost of inventory. With the development of the automotive industry, the land is not enough any more. The road efficiency will affect the speed of supply chain. The good use of the it will make the less cost. 

Key words: Vehicle logistics, Scheduling mode, Electronic warehouse, Road

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:随着信息技术的发展,各家物流公司已陆续建立起了自己的信息平台,提高了物流平台的透明度,方便各物流车辆的调度和监控,也能够随时查看仓库的物流储备,适当控制仓库库存。......
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