
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-06
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关键词:第三方物流  循环取货  精益物流


Abstract: In the recent years, Milk-run, as a neo-distribution model, has been relatively widely applied and the developed in the Shanghai General Motors Corporation. The basic intent for the corporation to introduce milk-run is that it want to optimize the existed distribution network for the suppliers who provide the components, trying best to meet fluctuations in demand as much as possible while also being able to control operating costs within a certain range. However, from the perspective of the results of the current application, the operating costs of logistics is still relatively high. This paper analyzes the existed problem and reasons in the business of components inbound logistics in the Shanghai General Motors Corporation. Additionally, according to these issues, a series of recommendations for improvement have been involved.

Key words:3 PL   Milk-run   Lean logistics

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:国外的汽车物流行业运用循环取货这种运输模式已经很有些经验了,但是我们国家引进循环取货却并没有多长时间,因此被认为是一种新奇的事物。循环取货(Milk-run),最初是一种牛奶......
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