
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:银行房地产信贷  风险管理  信贷防范措施


Abstract: The real estate industry in today's economic times have become a benchmark, from the development of the real estate industry can be broadly observed level of economic development of a country. In the process of urbanization, the real estate industry to promote the rapid growth of China 's GDP. The real estate industry has been the pillar industry of China's economy. It plays an important role in driving the development and expansion of the national economy, The real estate industry as a whole perspective of its impact was running wide. Involved in the steel industry, real estate industry, real estate property industry, the advertising industry, the financial industry. For these industries, the rise and fall of the real estate industry directly affect the profitability of these industries. In the process of development in the real estate industry depends largely on the scale of money. Now, for the real estate industry, the main funding comes from banks. Real estate credit by the banking sector reaped huge profits must also bear the real estate credit risk. So the two are mutually independent and interdependent relationships. This article discusses how to prevent the real estate industry and the banking industry and reduce their risk so as to achieve a win-win situation.

Key words: the real estate credit  risk management  credit measures

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:银行的利润与房地产信贷的风险的管理密切相关,如果我国像美国一样发生房地产泡沫破灭的情况会造成在建工程停工,资源浪费,许多房企倒闭,对国民经济产生剧烈波动。最后还会......
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