
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:农村金融服务业  影响因素  农村金融  上海地区


Abstract: Rural finance is a problem that all over the world are concerned about where on the development of rural financial services , all regions are looking for their own provinces and rural financial services model development . A large number of preferential agricultural policies and benefits of agricultural funds poured into urban and rural areas would take for the development of rural economy helping to Shanghai , for example, we do see some remarkable place , regulatory platform to promote the application and supporting facilities established to verify the effectiveness of all development of rural financial services , but the situation is still suppressed rural finance is still there , the various financial services to rural areas of the economy or a more exclusive building , facility hardware and software facilities are gaps , insufficient supply of rural funds ; imperfect credit services ; scarce financial environment ; services such as information asymmetry are sparse factors affecting the financial services sector in rural development has become constrained . This paper analyzes the current situation of Shanghai rural financial services, development, and other problems and draw relevant conclusions obtained. Thus, the preliminary financial services in rural areas should be designed to upgrade the hardware facilities of rural finance to a certain height , and then to the running of soft financial conditions of service under the premise hardware on track to solve the rural financial services development of a comprehensive problem.

Keywords: rural financial services   affecting Factors  The rural financial

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:农村金融早已是全世界都在关注的问题了。上海在农村金融发展方面也一直秉承着不放松、可持续的观念,认真贯彻国家部署的政策与纲要,对偏远农村郊区加大了信贷的力度,支农的......
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