
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:物流外包  决策分析  实施对策


ABSTRACT:In an increasingly competitive market environment, companies must come up with a can guarantee the survival and development of enterprises, but also to remain competitive way. In this context, more and more enterprises will own non-core logistics outsourcing to third-party logistics service providers to focus on their core business. Therefore, to fully understand how companies in the logistics outsourcing advantages and risks based on logistics outsourcing is a need for rational decision-making of important issues.

   This paper first describes the concept of logistics outsourcing and theoretical basis, and then to analyze logistics outsourcing decisions, and were the mode of operation of the logistics outsourcing, considerations, advantages and risks detailed analysis and explanation. Secondly, the current situation and logistics outsourcing logistics outsourcing enterprises an effective strategy in depth. Finally, the specific case, pointing out that logistics outsourcing decision analysis content.

Keywords: logistics outsourcing; decision-analysis; countermeasure

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:物流外包给企业带来好处的同时,也潜伏着不容忽视的风险。物流外包实践过程中的复杂性和高失败率让越来越多的企业开始对物流外包绩效的不确定性感到困惑。企业开始认识到,物......
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