
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:物流成本  成本控制  煤炭企业


ABSTRACT:Logistics cost refers to the space to move or time product occupies in the cost of living and materialized labor of currency performance. Coal as the main energy of modern society, one of the reasonable control the logistics cost is the guarantee of coal in order to enter the market one of the important means. With market competition intensifying, now society to control logistics costs become the primary task of development of modern logistics management. And the whole process of coal industry in the development of logistics is the process of seeking to continuously reduce logistics cost. By reducing logistics costs to achieve the competitiveness of the enterprise to improve.

   Shanxi region T coal enterprises as a representative of the coal enterprise, through years of research found that coal enterprise goods and materials flow occurred in the process of the cost will not increase the value of customers, and the cost of enterprise logistics activities account for a higher percentage of the total cost of the enterprise. Through to the logistics cost planning in order to achieve reduce logistics cost, improve the purpose of the enterprise and social benefits.

Keywords:the logistics cost ;cost control ;coal enterprises

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:煤炭企业的物流成本运用在发展中有了明显改善,2012年煤炭行业物流成本费用率为17.3%,比去年同期下降2.3个百分点,显示出煤炭物流效率有所提高。根据推算,2012年我国煤炭物流成本......
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