
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-02
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:6248
折扣与优惠:团购最低可5折优惠 - 了解详情 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)



关键词:工程量 定额计价 标书编制依据


ABSTRACT:This works for Chongqing City Management College new campus dormitory, Building E, located in Chongqing Shapingba University City. Construction area of 1997.18 square meters, the main building height of 16.2 meters, building structure using frame structure. The building infrastructure uses a hand-dug pile foundation layers for the two-story, cast concrete floor slab, structural safety class two, six degrees of earthquake intensity, engineering class into four categories.

   The tender documents are compiled based on Chongqing City Management College new campus dormitory, Building C, the construction contract and construction design drawings, a series of existing national and local construction and technical specifications, standards based, rigorous tender document reference 2009 templates and fill in the relevant design documents chart specifications. In accordance with the bidding process, the completion of the project the amount of computing, software pricing, and the preparation of tender documents and tender documents. The graduation design of the main part of the preparation of the Business Standard. The Business Standard from the enterprise itself, combined with the actual project, and to provide a fixed amount denominated in engineering form of tender offer.

Keywords: Quantities,Fixed pricing ,Tender Basis


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:工程建筑面积为1997.18平方米,建筑主体高度为16.2米,建筑结构采用框架结构。该建筑基础结构采用人工挖孔桩基础,层数为二层,现浇混泥土梁板楼盖,结构安全等级为二级,抗震设防......
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