
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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Abstract:This paper introduces the design that the water-supply and drainage engineering of a high-rise hotel. Including water-supply, drainage systems, fire fight systems, hot water-supply systems and rain water systems. Water –supply system, including the calculation of water consumption, the choice of water-supply district and pipeline hydraulic calculation. Drainage systems including the hydraulic calculation of drain, the tube design and the choice of the sewage pump. Fire fight system, including the calculation of the fire water, the division of the fire Service Division, the hydraulic calculation of pipeline and the choice of fire pump. Hot water-supply system, including the calculation of the hot water consumption and the amount of heat medium, heater and circulating pump selection, pipe network hydraulic calculation. Stormwater system, including the calculation of stormwater and rain water pipe lay out. This paper is divided into specific note to the drainage design, thank the rain sewage, reference of four parts. 

Key words  Water supply-system Fire fight system Hot water-supply system  drainage system

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:当计算所得的流量值,大于管段上的卫生器具额定流量累加所得的流量值时,应采用累加制作为设计流量;结果小于该管段上一个最大卫生器具的给水定额时,应采用一个最大卫生器具......
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