
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-11
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Abstract:Skid-mounted refueling device is a barrier explosion-proof skid-mounted refueling facilities, A new type of vehicle ground gas stations, The set of ground barrier explosion-proof storage tanks, fuel room, barrier Ex vapor recovery and automatic fire extinguishers as a whole, The location is relatively fixed, You can achieve the optimal mix of storage tanks and tankers, and overall coordination.

     Skid-mounted refueling device design to safety, environmental protection and mobility as the core concept, is a set of ground fire and explosion of oil tank, filling machines and automatic fire extinguisher in one of the skid-mounted gas station.This station has the advantages of small size, less land occupation; installation is simple, but the overall migration.After migration, equipment damage, economic value rise; the oil station provided with many buried gas station does not have safety features, such as automatic fire extinguishing device, emergency pressure relief device for oiling device, excessive, alarm, automatic oil protection valve, internal combustion suppression device.Skid mounted gas station is equipped with an oil gas recovery device, double wall tank eliminates the leakage and pollution factors, tank interlayer monitor improving leak monitoring strength.Skid mounted gas station from design to ensure the safety and environmental performance.

Key words: barrier explosion-proof; skid-mounted; explosion-proof storage tanks; safety and environmental protection


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:油站设置有许多地埋式加油站所没有的安全部件,如自动灭火装置、紧急泄压装置、防注油过量装置、报警装置、高温自动断油保护阀、内部燃烧抑制装置等。撬装加油站配备有一级油......
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