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尼尔斯·赫尔墨斯  罗伯特·伦辛克  爱尔嘉·梅斯特斯











外文原文(字符数 29934):

Outreach and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions

Niels Hermes# *, Robert Lensink# ¶ and Aljar Meesters#



Microfinance institutions (MFIs) focus on providing credit to the poor who have no access to commercial banks, in order to reduce poverty and to help the poor with setting up their own income generating businesses. In the literature, this focus is generally described as outreach. Because providing credit to the poor in many cases is a very costly activity, MFIs are often loss making, i.e they are not financially sustainable. Yet, in many cases MFIs succeed in lending to domestic small companies and poor agents, because Western donors and NGOs provide financial support by offering them loans against below-market interest rates.

Recently, however, there seems to be a shift from subsidizing MFIs institutions to a focus on financial sustainability and efficiency of these institutions. This goal stresses the importance of being able to cover the cost of lending money out of the income generated from the outstanding loan portfolio and to reduce these costs as much as possible. Among other things, this increased focus on financial sustainability and efficiency is due to a number of developments the microfinance business has been recently confronted with, such as the increasing competition among MFIs, the commercialization of microfinance (i.e. the interest of commercial banks and investors to finance MFIs), technological change that also has become available for, and implemented in microfinance, and financial liberalization and regulation policies of the government (Rhyne and Otero, 2006). These developments have induced microfinance institutions to change their behavior, and to broaden their services and activities.

上传会员 小四哥 对本文的描述:小额信贷机构一直面临这许多挑战,这些挑战已经影响了做生意的方式,首先,在一些国家小额信贷机构之间的竞争加剧,这导致了低利率低成本高效率,还有引进新的金融业务,例如......
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