
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:百货业 重庆商社 品牌 品牌营销 营销策略


ABSTRACT:In recent years, with the rapid development of the global economy and the people's values and changes in consumption concept, department store format has become the be on the upgrade of commercial activities, however, said that the economy is a double-edged sword, the department store industry is also increasingly competitive, Chongqing region is no exception, whether new or traditional department stores local department store industry is also faced with the enormous pressure of competition. In the deepening development of the market economy today, the brand for enterprise survival and development is becoming more and more strong, the brand strategy has become a magic weapon for many well-known enterprises remain invincible in the market competition. Based on the development of enterprise marketing brand strategy, enhance brand awareness, improve brand positioning, create a good brand image, has become the inevitable choice of brand marketing. Now, in terms of effective means of marketing department stores, brand marketing has become a leader in the enterprise marketing strategy, brand has now become one of the core competitiveness of many modern enterprises in the department store industry.

   Chongqing,department store industry prospects and the industry growth rate is high, the market capacity is also slowly rising, but the Chongqing native retail enterprises in the contemporary diversified Department form to be based on the heel, must keep pace with the era of commercial economy.

   The pace and department stores. According to the Chongqing business department as an example, through the Chongqing area department stores, department stores competitive consumer market investigation, analysis of the brand marketing strategy, business department draws the conclusion, summary, finally found the problem, problem solution..

Keywords:Chongqing business department;brand marketing;department store forma




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本论文通过研究重庆商社百货公司的品牌营销策略,把传统百货企业管理者从基于落后的传统品牌管理思维中解脱出来,开辟商社百货品牌管理新战略。可以让其在同种市场竞争环境中......
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