
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-04
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ABSTRACT:Three decades of reform and opening up, as the deepening of China's market-oriented reforms and accession to the WTO , the small and medium-sized private enterprises have mushroomed growing up. According to statistics, the number of SMEs in China has reached more than 4700 million, which accounts for more than 97% of the enterprises in China. And the private small and medium enterprises account for a large proportion, which now has become one of the effective strength of the national economic development. However, with the deepening of market-oriented, traditional mode of management of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially human resources management model has been not suit to the development of private small and medium enterprises.

   Today is the era of knowledge economy, the core of enterprise competition has transferred from the competition in the technology to the talent competition, who has mastered the talent, who have mastered the initiative in the market. Private small and medium enterprises are small-scale, and lack of capital and resources, and with poor management . Under the restrictions of these congenital conditions , the gap between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises has been widen. Therefore ,improving the human resource management and innovating the human resources management model in private enterprises has become a breakthrough for SMEs to seek the sustainable development. This paper is aim to analyze the existing problems of China's private SMEs specifically by combining the domestic and international economic environment, and putting forward some concrete and effective solutions for specific problems, the purpose is to provide a reference to the private small and medium enterprises, wish them to be able to analyze the situation by combining the current situation, do some transformation and using in practice.

Keywords: the small and medium-sized private enterprises;the human resource;management




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本文是针对民营中小企业中普遍存在的人力资源管理问题进行分析,对于大部分的民营中小企业都有一定的指导意义,应用前景巨大。一方面中小企业发展潜力巨大,改善人力资源管理......
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