
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-04
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ABSTRACT:China has launched the first wave of family business, from the late 1970s to the early 1980s.Benifited from the sustainable development of China's economy,the family business, as an important force of Chinese economy, achieved remarkable contributions.Though the scale of the family business is medium, the family business has more and more important influence on Chinese economic life.As time passed by, the first generation of family business’s founder have dismissed from the management positions,and the family business begin to step into the intergenerational inheritance.That has great significance to medium family firms.According to the analyses,there are some penalties in the process of the Family Business Succession.They lack of experience reference and  theoretical support. In my paper, I summarize the common situation that in the process of the Family Business Succession,many family business’s management,in the way of data collection,questionnaire survey and interview.And analyse the difficulty in managing firms in this period. I create this paper to provide the theory reference to the family business in succession. On the basis,I take Yangzhou Gaoli Machinery Limited as an example,designing several related  enterprise management modes,to save the problems in the succession’s period.

Keywords: Family firm;intergenerational succession stage ; business management







上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本篇论文,以中小家族企业传承阶段的企业管理研究切入点,通过资料搜集、整理,问卷调查,实地走访等方式试图总结出传承阶段此类企业管理的普遍性问题。联系相关实际情况,给......
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