
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-07
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关键词  市场调研;房地产营销;市场定位


Abstract:Market Positioning of real estate projects, real estate development is the guiding principle. Project work bearing on market positioning survival of real estate development company, but in most projects market positioning analysis work performance is not satisfactory. Many real estate companies work running mindset dogmatic ideological work, so that the project location is inaccurate, out of the market demand.

   The first article analyzes the theory of the real estate market position, combined with the industry characteristics of the project is positioned to do some of the ideas and methods of presentation, and then ASDC big company "East Tang Jiangnan Garden" project's market positioning to do case studies, comprehensive survey of Lianyungang City real estate industry background and the use of market positioning theory, the project market positioning methods and ideas described, the final outcome of the investigation and the final segment of the market, research studies on the project combines customer targeting, brand positioning and product positioning to do in-depth the analysis examines the development of the real estate market positioning method does.

Keywords  market research  real estate marketing  market positioning




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本论文研究如何找到给房地产项目带来最大的商业价值的有效的手段,通过准确的市场定位这一思维方式和工作方法,对促进房地产开发、建设和房地产市场的改革也有一定的指导意义......
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