
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-10
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关键词:员工流失 现状 影响 原因 对策


ABSTRACT:Modern human resources management has become the main part of an enterprise’s development, to be in an invincible position in the fierce market competition for an enterprise, it is critical to have the right human resources. But at current the personnel drain is serious in many private enterprises, and excessive drain hinders the stability and normal development of the enterprise, therefore how to effectively work out the personnel drain problem has become one of the challenges faced by enterprises. Scholars think that only in-depth understanding of the causes of the personnel drain, analysis the influencing factors of it, and combined with the actual business strategy and related literature review to find out the countermeasure, can we fundamentally solve the problem. Then we can reduce the employees separation rate, and enhance the awareness of employees’ sense of belonging and ownership, and make the staff actively participate in the construction and development of the enterprise, and gradually reach the shared vision of enterprise and employee. This article takes Enterprise A as example. Through an the investigation for the enterprise’s personnel drain in nearly a year, we proceed from the actual situation of the enterprise, and focus on the enterprise’s strategy to find out where the real causes for the personnel drain locate, and analyze the problem to further explore the solution to the it standing in the human resource management perspective.

Keywords:staff turnover; Present situation; Influence; Reasons; Countermeasure.


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:学者认为只有深入了解企业员工流失原因,分析影响企业员工流失的因素,并结合企业实际战略情况和相关文献找出方案、对策才能从根本上解决问题,从而降低员工离职率,增强员工......
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