
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-10
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   本文主要分为五章。第一章绪论,主要对该课题的研究进行探讨,明确研究背景、目的、意义、内容、方法。第二章对绩效考核相关理论进行了探讨,重点介绍绩效考核的几种重要方法,包括平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)、关键绩效指标(KPI)、360度绩效考核方法等考核方法。第三章以某化工企业为例进行研究,对其绩效考核的现状进行诊断和分析,找出了该公司在绩效考核工作中存在的考核标准模糊、考核指标未能真实反应绩效,考核过程缺少沟通和反馈,考核结果趋于大同、应用不当等突出问题。第四章结合实际,提出某化工企业绩效考核方案的改进建议,包括明确目标、精选标准;持续不断的绩效沟通;合理评定考核等级以及科学利用考评结果等。第五章是结论部分。



ABSTRACT:Performance assessment is an important part of enterprise, to some degree; it’s a systematic project which is used to track, to record and to assess. In the company, to encourage employees by suitable performance assessment program has been the one of the most important jobs of the managers of company. The scientific designing of performance assessment makes much difference to developments of the entire enterprise. This paper is an example of performance assessment design which is aiming to discuss the idea, objectives, effects, combined with the facts of XX company, in turn to solve the actual problems appear in the HR management. At last, design a new and perfect project for XX Company.

   This article mainly divides into five parts.For the first part: it is introduction mainly discusses the study of the subject, clear the research background, purpose, significance, content and method.The second part is the related theory of performance appraisal are discussed in this paper, mainly introduces several important methods of performance evaluation, including the Balanced Scorecard,Key Performance Indicators and 360°performance appraisal method, target management method. Part 3 study in XX chemical enterprise as an example, the performance appraisal status quo of the diagnosis and analysis, find out the existing in the work of the company in the performance assessment index, the assessment process lack of communication and feedback, such outstanding problems as improper application.For the fourth part: it is combined with the actual of XX chemical enterprise performance appraisal scheme is put forward Suggestions for improvement, including clear objectives, selection standards;ongoing performance communication; reasonable assessment rating and scientific use of assessment results, etc.The last part is the conclusion part.

Key words: performance appraisal; chemical companies; workers; program design


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文主要分为五章。第一章绪论,主要对该课题的研究进行探讨,明确研究背景、目的、意义、内容、方法。第二章对绩效考核相关理论进行了探讨,重点介绍绩效考核的几种重要方法......
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