
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-25
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关键词: 风险投资  退出机制  存在问题  改善措施


Abstract: Venture Capital has been the engine of the commercialization of scientific research, the industrialization of high and new technology , as well as the growth of high-tech companies. In addition, venture capital plays a siginificant role in the morden financial innovation system and the entire economic system. Effective exit mechanism is also crucial for venture capitalists, as they are in high pursuit of obtaining considerable profits. 

   This paper uses the researching methods by the combination of theories and realities, learnt and drew lessons from the domestic and foreign relevant documents. First comes with the concept and the characteristic of venture capital, the process of operation and the importance of the exit mechanism. Next is the analysis of the four ways to eixt in details. Concrete studies on the present situation of exit mechanism in China and the USA was elaborated and came to the conclusions that some problems impeded the development of Venture Capital, for example, the IPO exit way is not effective, the matket of property rights is not fully developed, the efficiency of the transactions of property rights is low and so on.

   Through the analyzing of this thesis, it prosposed three main suggestions to improve the existing exit mechanism in China. Firstly, relaxing the qualifications of IPO is of great importance. Secondly, improving and perfecting the capital market will works well. Last but not least, promoting the training of professionals is needed.

Key words:Venture Capital, exit mechanism, existing problems, countermeasures


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:我国风险投资业发展较为缓慢,与退出机制不完善密切相关。风险资本退出机制的建立和完善关系到风险投资收益能否顺利实现,关系到风险投资事业能否又好又快地发展。因此,对风......
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