
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-29
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[关键词] 招聘外包;人力资源;人力资源配置


[Abstract] In recent years, enterprises pay more and more attention to the internal configuration of human resources, and has been seeking to optimize the resource allocation method, at the same time the recruitment activities become more and more difficult for enterprises. So in the optimization process, recruitment outsourcing has become the first choice.Now the rapid growth of enterprises have been facing talent shortage, this is a lot of enterprises will be the recruitment outsourcing to in the recruitment of experienced service provider of reason. As the most variable, the most dynamic,most stable,most organic component,the allocation of human resources has become the powerful lever of the modern  enterprise competition .This topic through the analysis of the feasibility of outsourcing and how to carry out effective recruitment, study the effective allocation of human resources.

[Key words] Recruitment outsourcing ;Human resources ;Allocation of human resources

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:本文首先介绍了招聘外包和人力资源配置的概念和基本内容,并对招聘外包的可行性进行了分析。其次,通过对人力资源配置在企业战略实施过程中的重要性表现的研究得出招聘外包与......
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