
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-29
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Abstract:With the market competition intensified, enterprises today are facing multiple pressures. They should improve product quality, shorten lead times, improve service and reduce costs at the same time. Production enterprises in the production process, product quality, production technology to improve encounterbottlenecks enterprises to improve the competitiveness of the most urgent task is to forge a new profit source. In many enterprises, logistics costs account for a large proportion, which not only has a great influence on the level of corporate profits, but have a certain relationship with the competitiveness of enterprises, the core issue of logistics management logistics cost management. Control of the logistics supply chain cost factors has become an effective way to reduce logistics costs.

   With the SWOT analysis method,We analyze SF and find the factors which impact the profits improving of SF, and we establish the appropriate material dispatching model, mode of transportation selection, distribution zoning model and route choice models, to reduce the logistics costs of SF, improve profit provides some solutions.

Keywords  supply chain  logistics costs  SWOT analysis  application model

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:很少有研究涉及到物流成本的隐藏部分,一般只限于物流活动的成本可计算的过程中,隐藏部分的物流成本,也有学者曾经关心过这一问题,但没有明确界定这部分的隐性成本。要了解......
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