
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-29
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关键词 业务流程;财务会计;优化


Abstract: The impact of business process reengineering and information technology, the traditional financial accounting processes Jolly Pa-based accounting basic theory developed financial and accounting processes for the Internet age is no longer adapted to the actual situation. Strengthen financial management and information technology, its advantage lies in the use of network information technology, clear the various "islands of information", to achieve the goal of integrated financial management. To achieve this goal, traditional financial accounting processes must be reconstructed. Therefore, it is necessary to in-depth summary of the drawbacks of traditional financial accounting processes, financial accounting process reengineering process reengineering ideological guidance. Reconstruction of Financial Accounting business processes instead of the traditional accounting business process simulation system, but on the basis of modern information technology to adapt to the new system of economic, technological and social environment, to achieve a true sense of the data sharing. Based on the original data, it is standard coding a series of simple processing, so that the formation of source data, so as to meet the information needs of the users of the corporate external and internal, to complete the true sense of the financial data from the same source, shared . Financial Accounting Process Reengineering generally includes three components: The first is the diagnosis and analysis of business processes, its purpose is to analyze current business processes found in which the drawbacks and diagnosis; followed by the business process re-design, based on the results of previous diagnostic analysis and re-design the current process; Finally, the implementation of business process reengineering, this phase is to implement the redesign process to marketing management.

Keywords  business processes  financial accounting  optimize

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:在传统财务会计流程上每个核算子系统所能提供的信息与数据,仅能达到财务部门的需求,而不能达到其他职能部门的需求,从而不能共享财务信息。企业的一切业务都伴随着资金.物资......
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