
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-08
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Abstract:In 21st century, while the Internet technology Internet has penetrated into people's life. The development of Internet makes a profound change in people’s life style and way of obtaining information. Also, people's shopping habits and enterprises’ concept of marketing have been deeply influenced. Therefore, in order to provide strong safeguard for obtaining the core competitive advantage and the ability of sustainable development, enterprises should change their traditional marketing concepts and formulate new marketing strategies basing on the changing environment. Nowadays, network marketing has become an essential part of marketing exercises for enterprises, especially for the small medium-sized enterprises which are in the face of large extrusion. This paper base on the analysis of the status quo, and then put forward and solve problems. By the surface and the point of the study, this paper analyze the development and present situation of Chinese enterprises network marketing, and then discusses the reasons of implementing the network marketing and finds the remaining problems of network marketing strategies. Last, this paper put forward countermeasures, so as to research its development way of the future.  

Keywords: marketing strategy; network marketing; internet

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:本课题主要采用三种研究方法,一是文献研究法,通过调查大量文献来获得资料,从而全面地、正确地了解掌握我国企业网络营销的发展历程、现状、存在的问题;二是定性分析法,运......
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