
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-20
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摘 要:随着网络的普及和信息的全球共享性,电子商务正逐步取代传统贸易方式,成为了广大消费者青睐的购物平台,给消费者购物提供了诸多便利,使消费者足不出户便可进行消费购物,电子商务的优越性显而易见。但由于电子商务本身的开放性特点,它在给消费者带来便捷的同时也给他们的安全造成了很大的威胁。消费者不仅面临隐私与信息安全问题还遭受网络诈骗、产品质量得不到保障等威胁。电子商务的无形化增加了电子交易的不确定性与风险,如何建立一个安全的电子商务应用环境,保证整个商务活动中消费者的安全性,使互联网的电子交易方式与传统交易方式一样安全可靠,已成为大众关心的热点问题。本文将主要研究消费者在电子商务中的隐私、财产、产品质量等方面的安全问题,并针对消费者面临的诸多安全问题提出相关建议性的防范措施。

关键词:电子商务 个人信息安全 商家信用


Abstract: With the popularization of the Internet and the information of the global sharing, e-commerce is gradually replace the traditional trade way, become the majority of consumers shopping platform, to consumers shopping provides many convenience, so that consumers can never leave home for consumer shopping, e-commerce superiority obviously. But due to the openness of the electronic commerce itself characteristic, it is brought to consumer convenient also give their security caused great threat. Consumers not only faced with privacy and information security problem is suffer from Internet fraud, product quality is not guaranteed and threat. Electronic commerce immaterialized increased electronic trading uncertainty and risk, how to establish a secure electronic commerce application environment, guarantee the business activities of the safety of consumers, make the Internet electronic trading mode and the traditional way to trade the same safe, reliable, and has become the focus of public concern problem. This paper will mainly focus on the consumer in the electronic commerce of the privacy and property, product quality and so on security issues, and in the light of consumer faces many safety problems puts forward some Suggestions of sex preventive measures.

Keywords:E-commerce; Personal Information Security;Business Credit

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:本文站在消费者的角度,理性地阐述电子商务安全的内涵和消费者面临的安全威胁,并对电子商务环境下如何提高消费者安全性提出了相关解决对策......
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